Keep up to date with what your Endless Summer® Hydrangeas need throughout the year with this handy gardening calendar. Below you’ll find a season by season guide to success in the garden. All of the tips and resources you need to have the best year of blooms ever. Let’s get into it!

Spring is an exciting time in the garden! From prepping for your hydrangeas to bloom to planting new friends in the ground, there’s a lot to tackle. Make sure you reference our Spring Gardening Checklist to stay on top of everything and to use this calendar as an eagle eye view of the year in your garden.
- Remove winter protective mulch once you’re past the last frost. This is different for everyone and may be different each year, so keep your eye on the local weather.
- Clean out leaves and dead branches.
- Once you begin to see new, green growth on your hydrangea you can begin the process of pruning away any old, dead wood. Check out our seasonal pruning tips blog to learn even more.
- Plant your new hydrangea according to your garden plan. Use our Garden Gab™ on Planting Hydrangeas as a reference. To purchase a hydrangea, shop the Endless Summer® collection online or use our Find a Retailer tool to locate Endless Summer® at garden centers near you.
Late Spring
For Hydrangeas in Containers
- After the last frost, move decorative pots outside and remove any protection like mulch or blankets.
- If you’re hoping to transplant your hydrangea from the pot to the ground, do so while the plant is dormant. Learn more from our blog on transplanting hydrangeas.

- Water your hydrangeas to make sure that the soil is moist (1″ per week should do the trick). Before watering, make sure you check the soil with your fingers to see if it is dry. Check out our blog on watering to learn more.
- Remember that during the hot summer days some blooms may wilt but will recover when the day cools down.
- In late summer, you can begin to deadhead any spent blooms off your hydrangeas to encourage the rebloom. Head to our video on deadheading to learn more.
- In early July, fertilize your hydrangeas for the second time to help boost the power of your rebloom.
- Make sure you have adequate mulch to keep soil moisture in.
- Utilize your blooms in cut flower arrangements! Our hydrangea decor guide has all the info on cut flower arrangements that you’ll need.
For Hydrangeas in Containers

- DO NOT PRUNE YOUR HYDRANGEAS. Pruning your hydrangeas in fall can encourage new growth in a time when the hydrangeas are supposed to be going dormant. Learn more from our video on when to prune your hydrangeas.
- Stop deadheading and fertilizing once fall hits. Both of these actions can encourage new growth on your hydrangea, which is something you don’t want while the weather cools down.
- Continue to water adequately until frost.
- Cover the base of the hydrangea with oak leaves, mulch, or pine needles for winter protection. Our blog on prepping for winter has more specific tips for you to properly care for your hydrangeas through winter.
- Fall is also an excellent time to plant if you’ve got some late season additions to your space. Our fall planting guide can walk you through everything you need to know to be successful.
- Finally, fall is an excellent time to dry hydrangeas and use them in fall decor and DIYs. Head to our hydrangea decor guide for more inspiration.
For Hydrangeas in Containers

For even more tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter. Shop the Endless Summer® collection online during our shipping season or utilize our Find a Retailer tool to locate Endless Summer® hydrangeas near you.