The Benefits of Reblooming Hydrangeas

You might hear us talk a lot about the fact that Endless Summer® Hydrangeas are reblooming. In fact, they’re the world’s first reblooming hydrangeas! But what does that mean exactly? A reblooming hydrangea blooms in the beginning of the season and continues throughout. This means that you get tons of flower power in your garden with minimal effort.

Reblooming hydrangeas also offer the added bonus of season long color in the garden. BloomStruck® blooms early in the season with that gorgeous blue-purple flower and continues to produce blooms all the way into the fall.

This also means that if you have a hard winter and your hydrangea dies to the ground, you can still enjoy blooms that will form on the new growth. Pop Star® is a great example of this hardiness as you can cut the blooms off and see new growth within four weeks!

You don’t have to do much to help your hydrangeas rebloom, but let’s go over a few tips to ensure that you are maximizing your bloom production all season long.

Planting and Care

The best way to maximize your blooms is to ensure that your hydrangea is getting proper care. Learn all about planting and caring for your hydrangea.


Endless Summer® hydrangeas don’t need much to get them going, but we recommend adding some fertilizer in spring, when you start to see green leafy new growth, and again around mid-summer to help that bloom production along. Learn more about fertilizing your hydrangeas.


When you see your hydrangea blooms fading it may give you concern but there is no reason to worry. You can simply cut those spent blooms off and deadhead your hydrangea to make room for new growth. Learn more about deadheading here.

Shop the entire Endless Summer® collection online or use our Find a Retailer tool to find those reblooming hydrangeas near you!